part of UNI global union

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our organization

U N I - S E E O C

Founded in 2021 by UNI Global Union, UNI Europa and SITT-RO, UNI-SEEOC acts as an organizing center for covering unions from the south-east Europe region. The center is headquarted in Romania. The center is part of UNI's strategi to defend, expand and rebuild sectoral collective bargaining across the globe.

The main directons of the center's activity are:

  • ORGANISING - Support, manage and / or develop end-to-end organising campaigns.
  • STRATEGIC SUPPORT - Capacity building for unions, both cantitative and qualitative.
  • DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF UNIONS - Assist and provide unions with digital transformations solutions and apps (e.g. online joining apps, online payment of union fees, members data bases management, etc)
  • PROFFESIONAL TRAININGS - for union members, activists and leadership.
The construction of this center, is an expression of our long term vision of defending, extending and rebuilding sectoral collective agreements as the only effective tool for improving working conditions. - UNI Global

The center is being run by a long experienced union organiser from Romania and consists of a team of 9 people. Several projects are already ongoing for unions accros the region.
